Contact the Garden Committee

Chair – Tamra Mudryk

Vice-Chair –  Les Barker

Secretary – Amanda Fleming

Treasurer – Jamie Montgomery

Garden Boxes for the 2023 Season

The Hairsine Garden Committee is pleased to announce that all garden boxes were claimed for 2023. We will be looking at adding more for 2024, if you would like to join the waiting list please email

Boxes will be kept inside the gated area of the Hairsine Community League – gardeners will be provided a gate key and will be able to garden at their leisure.

“Our goal is to create a shared space where people in the surrounding communities can have the opportunity to grow and harvest a variety of fruits and vegetables while working together to maintain the space provided.” – HCLGC

1)  image.pngFacebook Link


April 22 | Rundle Park | 10am to 2pm
April 23 | Queen Elizabeth Park | 10am to 3pm

Get Straw Bales at NO CHARGE

Straw is great for mulching, home composting, straw bale gardening, and more!
Visit for info

Upcoming Community Garden Meetings

The Hairsine Community Garden Committee is aiming to meet once per month to discuss the Community Garden and related topics. These meetings are open to all interested and are not limited to those on the Garden Committee. We welcome all thoughts, opinions, and suggestions to help make this project the absolute best it can be. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM via ZOOM. If you would like to take part in any of these meetings please email and we will gladly add you to the next meeting.

Next Meeting Dates: