
Hairsine Hawks Soccer
Our Hairsine Hawks Soccer Teams are held through the Community Grassroots Soccer Association (CGSA). The CGSA aims to keep soccer accessible and affordable for all kids. Indoor and Outdoor Soccer are available.

Outdoor Soccer
Outdoor soccer typically runs from late April through June (weather permitting).
Registration starts in February.
Indoor Soccer
Indoor soccer typically runs from early October through February. Registration starts in August.
Codes of Conduct
Coach’s Code
Soccer is a game for happiness.
The laws of soccer should be regarded as mutual agreements, the spirit or letter of which no one should try to avoid or break.
Visiting teams and spectators are honored guests.
No advantages except those of superior skill should be sought.
Official and opponents should be treated and regarded as honest in intention.
Official decisions should be accepted without looking angry no matter how unfair they may seem.
Winning is desirable, but winning at any cost defeats the purpose of the game.
Losing can be a triumph when the team has given its best.
The ideal is the greatest good to the greatest number.
In soccer, as in life, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Player’s Code
Play the game for the game’s sake.
Be generous when you win.
Be gracious when you lose.
Be fair always, no matter what the cost.
Obey the Laws of the Game.
Work for the good of the team.
Accept the decisions of the Officials with good grace.
Believe in the honesty of your opponents.
Conduct yourself with honor and dignity.
Honestly and wholeheartedly applaud the efforts of your teammates and opponents.
Parent’s Code
Children have more need for examples than criticisms.
Make athletic participation for your child and others a positive experience.
Attempt to relieve the pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside influences.
Be kind to your child’s coach and officials. The coach is a volunteer giving personal time and money to provide a recreational activity for your child. The coach is providing a valuable community service, often without regard other than the personal satisfaction of having served their community.
The opponents are necessary friends. Without them your child could not participate meaningfully.
Applaud good plays by your team and by members of the opposing team.
U5 & U7: $80
U9 & up: $140
U5 & U7: $120
U9 & Up: $205
Funding options are available through Jumpstart and KidSport.
Field rentals/Gym times, keepsakes/season-end celebration, pictures, possible tournaments, referees (older ages), insurance, socks & shorts, coach’s courses, first aid supplies, soccer equipment (balls, nets, cones, etc).
Coaches are volunteers and do not get paid.
Shin Guards
Soccer Shoes (indoor or outdoor, depending on the season)
Black Shorts
Socks (for some age groups)
You will be required to purchase a community league membership to register for the Soccer Season. Memberships will be available for purchase during registration, through the website or in person and are valid until August of each year. The membership fee is $25.00 per family. If you purchased one for Indoor you do not need to purchase another one for outdoor.
All community teams are coached by parent volunteers.
All coaches in the CGSA program MUST attend one of our coaching sessions.
Coaches will be exempt from fundraising commitment. as well they must pass a security check.
Unfortunately if we do not get a coach the community will not be able to form a team in that particular age group and the children registered will be transferred to a community that have space available on their teams.
Please sign up by indicating on your child’s registration form that you are willing to coach your child’s team.
If you think you want to coach and want more info contact sports.director@hairsine.ca

Pirates Baseball and Pixie Pirates Baseball are youth baseball leagues that are dedicated to supporting children in the Edmonton area the opportunity to learn and play baseball.
Aimed at boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 19, Pirates Baseball focuses on teamwork, sportsmanship, and love for the game.
Much like our Community Leagues, Pirates baseball league is run by a dedicated group of volunteers. They are always in need of additional volunteers to help their programs run smoothly. One of the facilities used is even right in our own backyards at the Kirkness Diamonds.
For more information on the Pirates, including schedules and registration, click the button below:

Northeast Zone Sports Council offers hockey programs for children between 4 and 19 years old. With over 50 years experience of in coordination between sports organizations and community leagues, NEZ works to form competitively balanced teams.
For more information on playing hockey with the NEZ, click the button below.

Funding Options
If financial uncertainty is a barrier between you and registering your child for a sport, grants are available through the following options.
These are 3rd Party grants. If you need additional funding options, please reach out to sports.director@hairsine.ca
Jumpstart Individual Child Grants cover up to $300 per child per sport.
Eligibility: Families must meet Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) chart and provide proof of financial need by providing their CCB statement. You must use the Hairsine Community League as the Payee, not the CGSA.
KidSport Canada covers up to $250 per child per sport.
Eligibility: Families must meet Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) chart+ 30% and provide proof of financial need by providing CCB statement. Child must already be registered in the sport. Cheques must be made out to the Hairsine Community League, not the CGSA.